Descrição :
DASH as fast as you can!
DODGE the oncoming trains!
Help Jake, Tricky & Fresh escape from the grumpy Inspector and his dog.
★ Grind trains with your cool crew!
★ Colorful and vivid HD graphics!
★ Hoverboard Surfing!
★ Paint powered jetpack!
★ Lightning fast swipe acrobatics!
★ Challenge and help your friends!
★ Colorful and vivid HD graphics!
★ Hoverboard Surfing!
★ Paint powered jetpack!
★ Lightning fast swipe acrobatics!
★ Challenge and help your friends!
Join the most daring chase!
A Universal App with HD optimized graphics.
Baixe o APK e instale e jogue :D
Pessoal se vocês verem esse mesmo post no World Galaxy Pocket é devido ao MoicanBlu também postar aqui!
Créditos :MoicanBlu pelo APK!